‘Cobra Kai’ Review
Cobra Kai
Full transparency, I had put off watching this series for months. However, when season 3 came out and I learned that it was one of the most buzzed-about series in 2020 I had to give it a shot.
I have never watched a Karate Kid movie from start to finish. Did I know about Daniel-san and waxing on and waxing off? Sure. Had I heard of Mr. Miyagi’s name before? Of course, I am child of the 80’s after all. But I had no interest in a series based on a movie franchise that I also had no interest in.
What is great about Cobra Kai is that they completely lean into the crazy premise that Karate Kid was, they are self-aware. What’s amazing is they bring back the real actors to play themselves. Set in the present-day, about 35 years after the first movie, Daniel and Johnny (Daniel’s karate nemesis) meet again and this time it’s their kids who are in on the karate shenanigans. And yes, it’s as ridiculous as it sounds, but they are in on the joke.
I am: Entertained

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