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Dave Hulu Series Poster
Entertainment,  TV

Dave Hulu Series Review

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In this scripted FX comedy on Hulu, Dave is an undiscovered white Jewish rapper who believes he is one of the best rappers in the world. This show completely flew under my radar season 1 and I just binged both seasons, happily.

Set in LA, the series follows Dave and his friends/entourage as he tries to make it in the rap world. It is funny, at times cringey, but the writing and casting are exceptional.

This is easily one of the best shows on TV right now. BTW, Dave really is a rapper (I’m sure some of you know that) so I have a feeling it may be drawn from his real life.

I am: Obsessed

Dave FX Hulu Series Poster

Check out the list of the best Hulu Series (Dave will be added in the next update 🙂)

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Obsessed Much?

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