‘Normal People’ on Hulu Review
Normal People
This has to be one of the most beautifully acted, written, and shot coming-of-age stories I’ve ever watched. Initially, I was like Oh great, another story of a popular boy falling for an awkward girl. Do not be deterred, it is SO much deeper than that.
The complex relationships that are highlighted based on miscommunication, wanting to blend in, trying to protect yourself…I mean, it’s so real. Normal People is one of those few pieces of entertainment that really make you reflect on your own life, and maybe wish that you knew now what you knew then so you could know better and do better. Of course none of use knew then what we know now, and I guess that’s why this series is appropriately named Normal People.
Now for the not so great part, appears that this is a one time, limited series so maybe try your best to not binge it all in one weekend, but good luck with that! I didn’t read the book so not sure how closely the story aligns, but I do remember Bad On Paper Podcast mentioning that this was somehow better than the book.
I am: Obsessed