Onward Review
Disney +
I hadn’t heard much about this Pixar film that takes place in a magical land full of unicorns, pixies and elves. In typical Pixar fashion they make the unrealistic seem relatable, even in the magical land they stop practicing magic in favor of using easier things, like electricity. Taking the easy path when there exists something harder but more rewarding sounds familiar.
It’s a story of rediscovering magic, and who couldn’t use more of that.
Usually Pixar films have the perfect balance of entertaining kids while providing enough hidden adult humor, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that is the case here. It definitely skews younger. At the end of the day it was entertaining and sometimes you just needs a feel good film.
The magical land and its characters have a lot of potential so I wouldn’t be opposed to a sequel. Or even a prequel.
I am: Entertained