The Silent Patient Review
The Silent Patient
Alex Michaelides
I’ve been on a suspense kick lately (I mean I’ve always loved them but generally intersperse some non-fiction, rom-com, YA in between). If I don’t have a good recommendation to read immediately then I head over to Goodreads and see what’s on my “Want to Read” shelf and pick the highest ranked based on if I’m in the mood for fiction or non…and recently it’s been suspense at the top of the list.
The Silent Patient kept me flipping page after digital kindle page. I couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen and I didn’t have to wait long because I finished in two days. It’s also one of the books that I wouldn’t mind reading again, although that never happens because I jut have too many books I want to read that I haven’t read a first time.
I am: Obsessed