This is Us | Season 5 Review
This is Us | Season 5
There’s not much I watch that is produced by network tv, but This is Us is the exception. It’s an excellent dramedy with realistic stories about racism, aging, and alcoholism wrapped in many different love stories.
As you know I love a good flashback, flash forward and there is no shortage of seeing the Pearson family throughout all of the years…and the future.
There wasn’t one episode in season 5 that I didn’t get teary-eyed or my jaw didn’t drop in shock. The surprise twists, the cliffhangers, I don’t know how they continue to do it. The bad news is, next season, season 6, has confirmed to be the last season. They have a lot of ‘splaining to do Lucy!
If you haven’t watched This is Us yet…first, I’m jealous of you. Second, start at the very beginning. You won’t regret it.
I am: Obsessed

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