This Week’s Binge 10.23.20
The Real Housewives of Orange County is back for season 15, and I expect it to be interesting. Tamra and Vicki are gone, and Brawnwyn is vulnerable in the first episode. I think Covid is going to be prevalent during most of the season since filming was impacted and Shannon and her family contracted the virus.
Watch | Series
Virgin River
I had put off watching Virgin River because I thought it was going to be another one of these small town, feel-good shows with not much substance. And it’s not that I’m above that, see Sweet Magnolias. It’s just I haven’t been in the mood for that.
I was pleasantly surprised to find out there is a solid cast and more than meets the eye. Yes, it’s the typical story of a big-city girl who moves to a small town and finds herself. But the cast of characters in the small town have more to them, and the storyline isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, there’s some reality baked in.
I also appreciated the Pacific Northwest location, instead of the typical south, a la Doc Hollywood and Hart of Dixie.
I am: Entertained

Watch | Movies
The Trial of the Chicago 7
Living in Chicago I’m shocked that I have never heard about the trial of the Chicago 7 prior to this Aaron Sorkin film being released.
The movie takes place in the 1970s in the middle of a heated political climate at the Democratic National Convention. And what was supposed to be a peaceful protest turned into dangerous rioting, with multiple versions of what happened. Sound familiar? I can’t get over how much hasn’t changed in 50 years.
Aaron Sorkin, along with a great cast, manages to weave together multiple stories in an engaging way. This movie sheds light on an important moment in history, which is part of the larger movement.
I am: Obsessed

Hubie Halloween
Full transparency…I only lasted 20 minutes here. Hubie Halloween is so bad. I can only imagine it’s target audience is 10-year-old kids, because I’m not sure what adult would think the humor is actually funny.
I wish I could say what it’s about, but all I know is there’s a socially awkward grown-man, living with his mother, talking in a weird voice, and makes lots of jokes about passing gas. No thanks.
I am: Annoyed

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Taylor Jenkins Reid
From the same author who wrote Daisy Jones & the Six, I now think I get Taylor Jenkins Reid style. She has a brilliant way of writing the story from different perspectives.
In Daisy Jones the entire novel was written as answers to interviews. Evelyn Hugo reads like a typical novel, but with gossip blogs posts thrown in. So unique to see what is happening behind the scenes in the rich & famous vs what the public thinks.
The books is more complex and captivating than I expected, could not put it down!
The book is coming to the small screen (I originally thought it was going to be a movie) but can’t wait to see it. I think it will be perfect, and I can’t wait to see how they bring all the characters to life.
I am: Obsessed

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