This Week’s Binge 7.17.20
Housewives is back!!! Between weekly shows coming off of Covid hiatus and agreeing to watch the entire Marvel Universe movie catalog in chronological order, I only had a baby binge this week.
Palm Springs
Palm Springs doesn’t have a revolutionary story line…it’s a story of living the same day over and over again. That sounds familiar, how apropos during Covid!
The reason this kind of story keeps getting re-told (Groundhog Day, Russian Doll) is that there’s something about the idea of being able to have a do-over. Being able to make sure you are living your life the way you are supposed to. Kind of a nice thought…and actually isn’t that also the moral of A Christmas Carol too?
This movie has the perfect balance of senseless humor and sentiment and a great cast. Andy Samberg has come a long way from his SNL days.
I am: Entertained

Daisy Jones & The Six
Taylor Jenkins Reid
This fictional story about a band in the late 70’s is written pretty unique. It’s done interview style but you don’t know the questions. What is written is only each band members answers, as well as some other people they come across along the way. When I was reading it I envisioned it almost like a written version of VH1’s Behind the Music, which I loved. Once I got into the groove of the reading style I got really into it, but without expecting it going in it took me a minute to get on board.
Daisy Jones & The Six harkens back to a time of real rock n roll…the drugs, the booze, the sex. What you don’t expect are all the complicated relationships. Rumor has this it’s loosely based on a real band and I’d like to think it is.
I am: Entertained