7 Reasons Why I Love the Amazon Kindle
I’ve always loved reading. When I was little I would go to the library with my mom, and I would be allowed to check out however many books I could read before they were due back (always in increments of 5 so I remembered how many I borrowed). It would be nothing for me to come home from the library with 10, 15, even 20 books. I would read each one before they were due back in 2 weeks.
Times may have changed but my love for reading and books haven’t. I’m in that weird generation (hello, Xennial) that kind of grew up with tech, but also kind of didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a paper book. It’s the sense of accomplishment you get when you can feel how far you are through the book, the way you can lend it to someone, the way you can highlight important quotes. But for as many reasons as I love a physical book, I have more reasons to LOVE the Amazon Kindle more.
If you ask my friends, they’ll tell you I’m a fan. So, in case you are on the fence too, here are the reason I love my Amazon Kindle.
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Reasons I Love My Kindle
- I can travel with as many books as I want, and it never takes up more space or is heavier.
- While lying at the pool on vacation (one of my favorite places to read), I can hold the Kindle with one hand and my pina colada with the other.
- IMO, a Kindle is essential for travel. Here are some other unexpected travel essentials.
- On the off chance, it’s windy at the pool during said vacation, I never have to worry about the wind blowing my pages.
- I don’t have to be that annoying person on a plane who reads but keeps everyone else up with the overhead light (you can read the Kindle in the dark).
- I can read whatever embarrassing book I want without worrying about any judgment from the jacket cover.
- If you are looking for non-embarrassing fiction recommendations, check here and here.
- The Kindle syncs with Goodreads to know exactly which books I want to read and can easily purchase from the screen.
- I rent library books for the Kindle for free, all without leaving the house.
The Paperwhite model I got years ago still works great. If it ever did stop working though I would not hesitate to replace it with a new one.
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