This Week’s Binge 8.7.20
Highs and lows this week, with nothing in between. Agreed?
Watch | Series
A limited-series inspired by true stories within the Australian Immigration detention, Stateless is heavy.
Immigration is such an important and divisive topic. What Cate Blanchett, and her co-creators, have managed to do is put faces to the countless people held in immigration detention. Every face has a story, and while this is inspired by true events, it is true that every face does have a story.
Immigration is such a heavy topic because you think of what people are willing to do, what they are willing to risk, what they are willing to go through, to get to another country. At the end of the day borders are arbitrary. Why is one person allowed in a country just because they happen to be born there while another person is not. Borders are literally invisible. Yet there have to be some sort of laws…
I’m not an immigration expert (clearly) and I don’t have the answers. But I do think there must be a better way.
I am: Obsessed

The Bold Type
Oh how I wanted to like this series about friends working in the magazine industry in NYC. I was hoping it would be a mix of SATC and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. It was not.
First the good. The fashion is spot-on, except for the fact that Louboutin’s still seem to be on trend, and there’s a variety since each character has her own style. The cast and storylines are inclusive of different backgrounds, cultures, sexual orientations which is important.
Next, the not-so-good. It’s a group of twenty-somethings, and it’s hard to relate. It’s not like age alone would be a deal-breaker but it’s in the context that it’s set in (trust, I love Gossip Girl). Where SATC you wanted to be them, even if it was unrealistic, you could identify yourself in them. They even had Samantha who was noticeably older, but I’m assuming to broaden the appeal.
At this point in my life, I just can’t relate to being the assistant and trying to get my first non-assistant position…because quite honestly I haven’t been the assistant since I was in my 20’s. And what makes it even more apparent, and more polarizing, is that all the male love interests are in their late 30’s and early 40’s. Every time you see a main character with their much older love interest it’s glaring how young she is. And I’m not saying this doesn’t happen because it most definitely does…but is women dating men who are 10 years older the only way? Is this the story we want to perpetuate?
Maybe I should just take it as a guilty pleasure, but there’s so much else out there to watch. It’s a pass for me, but if you are under 30, by all means, indulge.
I am: Annoyed

Watch | Movies
Black is King
After Beyoncé’s stunning visual album Lemonade, I was very excited when I heard she was debuting something new. I was not disappointed.
Part Lion King, part empowerment and pride, all music. it’s hard to explain exactly what Black is King is. I’m not going to pretend I understood every piece of symbolism woven throughout, but as the story progressed, more and more made sense.
Black is King is full of celebrity cameos and new artists. The costuming, makeup and cinematography is beautiful. It was all so intense, I could not look away. There are so many details and elements that go into every shot, it really is a visual masterpiece.
I am: Obsessed