This Week’s Binge 4.16.21
OK, new rumor is the Duke and the creator of the show had creative differences. I still have my fingers crossed there will be a reconciliation come season 3. We need the Duke (but seriously Duke…in Shonda we trust).
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Watch | Series
Q: Into the Storm
Didn’t it feel like out of nowhere, all of a sudden, we heard all about Qanon last year? If you didn’t know (and I didn’t) it’s like, wait, people actually believe this?
Were there some coincidences? Sure. But coincidences does not a prophet make. An even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Like any group-think, give people something to believe in and there is a certain amount of population that will believe it. What is so unusual about Qanon is that anon part of it. It was a strictly digital following…until it wasn’t.
A 6-part series, they could have cut it short and focused more on the beliefs instead of trying to discover who Qanon really is. As quickly as it popped up, it seems that’s equally as quickly as it’s disappeared.
I am: Entertained

Watch | Movie
Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar
Amazon Prime Video
Since I hadn’t watched a trailer, I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect with Barb and Star. And I’m going to do you a favor and tell you not to watch a trailer either. Just watch the movie.
Barb and Star, two friends played by Kristi Wiig and Annie Mumolo, do, in fact, go to Vista Del Mar. And it is WILD!
I basically love everything that Kristin Wiig does and she’s the queen of comedies about friendship. It’s not going to win any awards, but there are some laugh out loud parts, and sometimes that’s what’s needed.
I am: Entertained

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things
Amazon Prime Video
Do you ever feel like a cheesy, sappy movie? Well here’s a cheesy YA take of a repeating day (think Palm Springs or Russian Doll).
I don’t usually go for YA (unless you count Twilight, Hunger Games, Harry Potter…ok fine it’s a guilty pleasure) but Becca and Grace from Bad On Paper Podcast both really enjoyed it so I gave it a shot.
While I didn’t have quite the emotional reaction they did, be warned, it could cause a tear or two.
I am: Entertained

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