Lifestyle,  Recipes

Easy Paloma Mocktail Recipe

While I love margaritas, I was never a huge Tequila fan in general, so I didn’t venture out often. This explains why it took me so long to try a Paloma, but now it’s one of my favorite cocktails to get at a Mexican restaurant (or Taco Tuesday or Cinco de Mayo). Earlier this year while out I ordered a Paloma mocktail and it was just as light, and refreshing as the cocktail version. Here’s my take, using fresh citrus juices, sweetened with honey, and topped with sparkling water. Enjoy!

Jump to my Paloma Mocktail Recipe

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Mini citrus squeezer with lime

Virgin Paloma Ingredients

  • Grapefruit Juice: The main ingredient in a Paloma, you’ll need grapefruit juice. I bought pure juice, but you can also just juice grapefruits yourself.
  • Grapefruit: If you opt for the route to buy grapefruit juice, this will be for the garnish. Fresh fruit looks so pretty and helps elevate the drink.
  • Lime Juice: Another key ingredient in a Paloma. It’s a small amount so I juice them myself.
  • Lemon Juice: Not traditionally in a Paloma, but I like the addition. Again, small amount so I just juice fresh lemons.
  • Honey: Honey adds a subtle hint of sweetness. Also helps salt stick to the rim instead of dissolving it.
  • Sparkling Water: Not traditionally in a Paloma, but I love the addition of carbonation in a mocktail.
  • Salt: For the rim. I used Pink Himalayan Sea Salt here.

What Tools Do You Need to Make a Paloma Mocktail?

  • Martini Shaker | I love this one because it gets the mocktail very cold and doesn’t leak. I’ve had it for years and it’s still as good as new!
  • Citrus Juicer | This is amazing for measuring citrus! It’s a measuring cup and juicer all in one, so you don’t have to guess or make a mess anymore!

Topping paloma mocktail with sparkling water

Paloma Mocktail Recipe

Servings: 1


  • 3 oz. Grapefruit Juice
  • 1 oz. Lime Juice
  • ½ oz. Lemon Juice
  • 1 Tbsp Honey
  • 2 oz. Sparkling Water
  • Grapefruit Wedge, optional garnish
  • Honey, optional rim
  • Salt, optional rim


  1. Coat half of a glass rim with honey and roll rim in salt
  2. Add the first four ingredients to a shaker filled halfway with ice, shake vigorously
  3. Strain the mocktail into a glass with ice
  4. Top with sparkling water
  5. Garnish with a wedge of grapefruit
  6. Enjoy!

If you like this recipe, check out the mocktails below!

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