In The Heights Review
In the Heights
To say that I’m obsessed with Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton is putting it lightly. I’ve seen it on stage live, streamed the filmed version on Disney+, listened to the soundtrack ( the original and The Mixtape) countless times. So when I found out he was coming out with a film version of the play, In The Heights, he created right before Hamilton I was very excited.
It’s no Hamilton. If you like musicals give it a try. If you don’t, but you loved Hamilton, you probably won’t love this. I can see how the set design and the dancing with the cast could really be impressive on stage, but it loses something translated to the big screen.
What I do love about it is that it is centered on the neighborhood of Washington Heights in northern manhattan. Seeing that part of the city represented doesn’t happen that often and I loved the diversity and the energy that comes across. Lin-Manuel has gotten some criticism that not enough diversity was represented, and while that may be true, it is progress.
I am: Entertained

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