‘Judas and the Black Messiah’ Review
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Judas and the Black Messiah
Amazon Prime Video
As I do every year, I’m watching all Oscar-nominated films. Time got away and I accidentally missed this movie the first 30 days it was on HBO so I had to rent it on Amazon. Totally worth the $$$.
Judas and the Black Messiah is based on the true story of the infiltration of an informant of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party in the 60s. To get an even further grasp on what was happening in Illinois in the 60s I highly recommend you watch The Trial of the Chicago 7, also nominated for best film, which covers the unrest during the Democratic National Convention held in Chicago in the 60s.
What you will see is appalling. Shocking. Disgusting. But this is (the ugly) part of US history. They don’t teach this in history class, but it’s important that we know what is happened so that we can be the change.
I am: Obsessed

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