The Social Dilemma Review
The Social Dilemma
The Social Dilemma is a documentary that exposes the dark side of social media and the internet. It’s not really anything we didn’t know or hadn’t thought about before. How many times do we ask if our phones are listening to us after targeting us with an ad we never searched for? Well, in a sense they are…by keystrokes and GPS. They are machines and they are smarter than us.
When I was watching The Social Dilemma I found myself continually reaching for my phone, which is basically the exact message of the film. Might be one of those “you want to do what you know you shouldn’t” but it is astonishing how much time we spend on technology when you really think about it.
What I found the most fascinating is how it explains why the nation seems to be more divisive than it ever has been. I watched until the end because I was hoping for answers to how to fix the problem. But can you ever unsqueeze the toothpaste?
Tip – watch through the credits, they give you some advice there.
I am: Entertained