This Week’s Binge 8.28.20
This week I finished I May Destroy You and I was entertained, but not obsessed the way I was after binging the first few episodes. It is kind of hard to keep up with the energy of a show when you can’t binge though, that’s just me. I started a new HBO docuseries, The Vow, and I am hooked. It’s about the Nxivm…cult? Probably some legal thing there where I’m supposed to call it a group, but c’est la vie. Anyway, self-empowerment groups fascinate me…how people get sucked in and how they find their way how. So interesting.
Watch | Series
Love on the Spectrum
I held off on watching this docuseries about Australian young adults on the autism spectrum searching for love because I thought it would be sad or upsetting. It’s not. It’s the exact opposite.
Love on the Spectrum is filled with joy and hope. It gives a closer look into the daily lives of people with autism spectrum disorder. Dating is hard and awkward for anyone, so I feel for the people featured in the show.
The creators of this series did a fantastic job. It is heartwarming, and innocent and sweet.
I am: Obsessed
Watch | Movies
Full transparency, I started watching this movie three margaritas in. I was very confused off the bat because I thought Alexander Skarsgard was in this and I kept waiting for him to show up…um, no. It’s Bill Skarsgard. Big difference.
I hadn’t heard about this film but someone, who I usually have similar entertainment taste with, recommended it. It’s about a pair of people who break into a house but then are caught by the homeowners who are worse the the amateur burglars. I get what they were trying to do here, be clever and shocking with the plot. It’s just that it wasn’t. I’ve seen a version of this too many times before…Misery, Get Out, Parasite…and all done infinitely better.
I am: Annoyed