Brittany Runs a Marathon Review
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Brittany Runs a Marathon
Amazon Prime Video
Although Brittany Runs a Marathon is two years old, I watched it as part of my research for the Most Entertaining Amazon Movies post. Spoiler, it makes the list.
Brittany lives in NYC, is out of shape, trying to figure out what she is doing with her career and in spite of, nay, because of this she decides to train for the New York City Marathon.
I enjoyed this movie so much more than I thought. It strikes the difficult balance between being funny and heartwarming and inspirational. It’s an inside look into how women are viewed by the world, and sometimes how they view themselves.
What I used to consider an airplane movie (god how I miss airplanes) I now say the next time it’s raining, pour yourself a glass of wine, curl up on the sofa, and watch this movie.
I am: Entertained

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