‘The Invisible Bridge’ Review
The Invisible Bridge
Julie Orringer
Julie Orringer found a way to make a very heavy story set in very heavy time engaging in ‘The Invisible Bridge’. At almost 800 pages it’s an epic novel, but it’s worth every page.
The late 30’s and early 40’s in Europe was a rapidly changing and dangerous environment, especially for the Jewish community. Written in 5 distinct parts, each one takes you on a different journey from artistic Paris to war-struck Budapest.
While it’s difficult to read about the unimaginable atrocities that happened a short 75 years ago, we must continue so that we do not allow history to repeat itself. It’s important to keep these stories alive to honor those who lost the fight and those who survived to tell us about it.
‘The Invisible Bridge’ is based on a true story.
I am: Obsessed

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